We are all Scrappinistas!
I am a Close to My Heart Scrapbooking and Stamping Consultant and manager of the Scrappinistas Team!!
I've been a Consultant since May of 2004! Crazy how time flies!!!
I host an annual retreat the last weekend in February in Kansas City.
You can find more info here. creativeheartsretreat.blogspot.com
I am also a part of a fundraiser crop in November, Crop and Shop.
Proceeds benefit our local Relay for Life Chapter.
We also have Crops and Workshops from time to time!
I will post those on here or more likely on my facebook page.
To sign up to be on my team, go here.
There really are a lot of perks to being a consultant! I get a great discount on my purchases and even earn some free stuff!
If you are interested, please contact me anytime!
Or if you just want to attend some crops/classes/workshops/retreats. . . send me an email and I will get you on my list! I only send out emails when I have an event planned! mereburgess gmail
I update my facebook page regularly with the latest happenings!