Saturday, August 13, 2011

Back-to-Scrapping Celebration.

It is SO hard to believe summer is just about over.

It went by so fast.  It always does, but it seem exceptionally fast this summer.

It was a wild summer, to say the least.

Typically I am very excited about fall.  I love it.  I still do love it, but this just seems a little bit different.

It might be that all of our pumpkins were killed in a hail storm, so we won't have them this fall.  But I think it is mostly that my little guy will be heading back to school.  I am very used to having him home.

Enough of the pity party. . .at least I am hopefully going to have more time to SCRAPBOOK!!!  Something that has been very neglected this summer!!!!!!!!

I am hosting a Back-to-Scrapping Celebration on Sunday, August 28 at the Mason's building from 2-5pm

I will have snacks, new products, AND the fabulous new Fall/Winter CTMH Idea Book!!  If you would like your very own copy, please plan to stop by and pick one up!!!  It is full of great ideas, tips and techniques, and of course beautiful new products!!!!!!

This is also our Workshop time. . . . we will be working on Mayberry, Fanfare, or the new Typeset Kits!!  Each are $29.95 and included everything you need to complete beautiful projects!!!  Plus. leftover supplies for you to take home and make your own projects!!!  I will be there to help you every step of the way (if you need my help!)

New to Scrapbooking?  Just bring yourself and I will have the rest for you!!!  You can purchase a "beginner Kit" that isn't the full kit and it will help you get off to a nice start!!!  Just make sure you mention this when  you RSVP!

Of course, everyone is free to bring their own supplies and work on their own projects!!!

There is a $2 building fee for anyone who stays to play!!!!

I will have snacks to share.  Please feel free to bring any refreshments you would like!!!!

RSVP by Aug 20 and receive two additional raffle tickets!!!

Any orders for kits or anything else. . .must be received by Aug 20 to have them there in time!!!

Hope to see you there!!!

1 comment:

Darcie Johnson said...

Sounds fantastic . . . I wish I could be there!! We need to catch up again!