Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Project Life.


I had a really long, boring blog post about how many pictures I have and how unorganized I have become and how I have been really wanting to try Becky Higgins system since it came out.  And how I had been using pocket pages in my scrapbooking and wanted to do more with it. . . blah blah blah. . . 

But really, it was just me complaining and it was sort of boring. 

And I really don't want to bore you with my complaining. . . 

So, I wanted to share a post about Becky Higgins Project Life Program.

I plan on using my CTMH supplies and doing some of my scrapbooking according to her system.

That is enough today.  
Go check it out.  
I hope to post more if I do actually get it up and going!!!

Oh---and if you are one of those who feel really overwhelmed, but would like to start scrapbooking (how I have been feeling a lot lately=overwhelmed!)  than this would be a great system for you.  

And if you have used her system and have any insight, please share!  

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