Thursday, January 5, 2012


If I still have any blog readers left at all. . . let me just apologize to you!!!! I have been utterly horrible at updating my blog lately. The reason why is this. . . .

This is our brand-new house.

I am so excited about it. . . BUT it has been consuming all of my time and all of my thought processes. 

And I believe it will continue to consume me for quite some time!

I can't say that I will get better about posting, but I sure hope too!!!

I thought building a house would just be a dream come true.  And it really is.  BUT, I didn't anticipate the amount of stress it would cause on me.  Maybe it is just me, but I have been totally stressed out about it!!!  

But, I am excited.  We have lived in very cramped quarters for a long time waiting for this time!!!!

I always hate to apologize for my lack of blog posting, but I hate NOT mentioning that I have been absent from my blog for almost a month!!!!  

OK. . .hopefully my next post will be way more exciting. . .


Anonymous said...

This is a beautiful home! You will really enjoy it. Milissa

Darcie Johnson said...

The house looks great . . . Can't wait to see the finished product :)