Tuesday, June 12, 2007

a few good surprises!

We had an awesome time scrapping the day away on Saturday!!! It is always very entertaining to hang out with the girls! We always learn something new. . .whether it be related to scrapbooking or not!!! They sure didn't disappoint this time!!! I posted some of the featured artwork for the day under my Community link on my website: www.meredithburgess.mycthm.com You will need a username password to login. If you don't have one you can use ~guest username and ctmh password. If you want full capabitilites please contact me to get your own username and password. If you have one, but it isn't working make sure you are putting the ~ infront of your name! If this still isn't working, please let me know so I can help!

Another bonus from Saturday: I hired Brady's first babysitter ever and he LOVED her and so did I! Well, I already knew I did, but I love her even more now! She came to the house and we were all out in the shack and she kept him occuppied all day long! It was great! I thought he would be by my side all day, but no way! He had a pretty girl to entertain! It was nice having him right here all day with someone to watch him so I was free to scrapbook! This is definitely something I will be trying again!

Last night I was sitting at my parent's house. . .we had worked on shower invitations for my cousin (they were very cute by the way. . .thanks Karmen of Details Design!!!) I was just thinking of going home when in pulled my Grandfather. . .My Mom's Dad. He and his wife live in Florida and we very rarely see or hear from them! It was such a shock! It was so good to visit with him for a few hours last night!!! Family is so important to me and I wish we knew him better! Hopefully, lastnight meant he hoped he knew us better too! Of course I grabbed my camera and took some pics of my Mom and his Great Grandkids that he had never meet before! Can't let a moment like that pass!!

1 comment:

Cheyne said...

You write very well.